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Alcohol Addiction


of truckers report binge drinking


of truck drivers participate in everyday drinking


of fatal crashes
in 2020 involved
alcohol impaired drivers

Alcoholism is when one can no longer control their use of alcohol, compulsively abuse alcohol, despite its negative ramifications, and/or experience emotional distress when they are not drinking. |

Self Assessment: Am I Addiction?

Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire

AUDIT Questionnaire

The following hotline resources are also free, confidential, and available 24/7:

American Addictions Center

Al-Anon Family Groups

Partnership to End Addiction

National Suicide Prevention

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

First, if you are planning on talking with your loved one about their drinking, avoid approaching them while they are under the influence of alcohol. Talking to someone who is under the influence of alcohol will seldom result in a positive outcome. Instead, try approaching the person you love at a time when they are sober. Rather than starting with an accusation, you could try approaching this conversation using "I" statements: "I am sad when I see you engage in hazardous drinking."

What Not to Say to an Alcoholic Loved One

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