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After A Suicide Attempt

“Your journey of healing is one that many have been on and survived. Your life matters."

– American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Your Healing Journey

Support Your Recovery

1. Be kind to yourself.
2. Take care of your health.
3. Find a mental health professional.
4. Understand how to navigate your health insurance.
5. Try a support group.
6. Talk to those you trust.

Create a Safety Plan

1. Recognize what puts you at risk.
2. Find coping strategies that do not rely of the presence of others.
3. Engage with people and go places that help take your mind off your problems.
4. Reach out to family or friends that can help you in a crisis.
5. Call 988 for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
6. Keep your environment safe.

You've Attempted Suicide. Now What?

A suicide attempt is rarely an event that can be easily shrugged off and may even be more difficult to overcome than the situations or life events that led up to the attempt. The important thing to remember is you are not alone. Do not panic. It will be OK, and there are actions you can take immediately to begin the process of recovery.

See A Medical Professional

Acknowledge Your Current Thoughts And Feelings

Plan How You Will Explain What Happened To Minimize Stress

Re-Establish Connections

Have A Plan To Stay Safe

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